Two images produced by Grigorii are listed in the top 20 and Honorable Mentions of the 49th annual Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition.
After winning the first place prize of the 48th annual Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition, with a stunning image of an embryonic hand of a Madagascar giant day gecko, Grigorii Timin, a postdoc supervised by Prof. Michel Milinkovitch in our lab, gets two awards in the 49th annual competition.
The first image, a mouse embryo imaged with light sheet obtains the 7th place.
The second image, a stunning very high-resolution confocal image of dermal collagen in embryonic snake scales, obtains an Honorable Mention.
In the Milinkovitch-Tzika laboratory, researchers investigate the genetics and mechanics of morphogenesis, the process by which tissues and organs acquire their shapes and forms. Blending imaging technology and artistic creativity, these investigations produce images that give a glimpse into the hidden beauty and complexity of the living world.
Mouse embryo (embryonic day 14.5)
Copyright: Grigorii Timin & Michel Milinkovitch - UNIGE.
Preparation: A E14.5 mouse embryo was cleared, treated with a new method of whole-mount staining with the Fast Green dye, and scanned with a light-sheet microscope. The 3D reconstruction of the image stack was performed with the software Amira. A flight-through movie across the embryo is available at the bottom of this page.
Microscope: Light-sheet UltraMicroscope Blaze — lens magnification 4x.
Dermal collagen in embryonic snake scales
Copyright: Grigorii Timin & Michel Milinkovitch - UNIGE.
Preparation: Collagen network in the embryonic skin of an African house snake (Boaedon fuliginosus) is revealed by a new method of whole-mount collagen staining with the Fast Green dye. The image shows maximum intensity projection (colour-coded by depth) in the upper half of the dermal skin layer in a region covering two scales (and partially seven additional ones).
Microscope: Leica SP8 confocal — lens magnification 63x.