Elephant Trunk Project

Illustration Touka Fatemi, réalisée dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre l’option Image/Récit de la HEAD et la Faculté des Sciences de Genève.

Asian elephant trunk

Supplementary videos

Video S4: Muscular anatomy of the Asian elephant trunk


Use your mouse wheel, your keyboard or the navigation buttons to scroll inside the trunk. Click on the image to open the full-resolution picture.

Application 5: Virtual scroller through the serial-sectioning dataset of the Asian elephant trunk in the transversal plane, with ventral side at the bottom

Application 6: Virtual scroller through the serial-sectioning dataset of the Asian elephant trunk in the coronal plane (right portion of the trunk, starting from the ventral side)

Application 7: Virtual scroller through the serial-sectioning dataset of the Asian elephant trunk in the sagittal plane (left portion of the trunk, ventral side on the left)


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Application 8: 3D mesh reconstruction of the skin of the Asian elephant trunk

Application 9: 3D mesh reconstruction of the six muscle groups in the Asian elephant trunk